Two-dimensional materials manufacturing system (2DMMS)

Open-source software for automated searching and assembly for van der Waals heterostructures

Note that this webpage is currently under development.

About 2DMMS

Open-source platform for aunotnomous robotic searching and assembl of van der Waals heterostructures. The following functionalities are supported:


Software Requirements

The following software components are required.

Hardware support

The following hardware comopnents are supported.

Install dependencies for Ubuntu 14.04

% sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full ros-indigo-nmea-msgs ros-indigo-nmea-navsat-driver ros-indigo-sound-play



The detailed descriptions of this system are provided in the paper; “Autonomous robotic searching and assembly of two-dimensional crystals to build van der Waals superlattices”, Satoru Masubuchi et al., Nature Communications (2018).

If the information provided helps your research, it would be appreciated if you could cite the paper in your publications.


I hope to continue developing 2DMMS to become a truly helpful tool for the research community of van der Waals heterostructures. Please feel free to email me with your feedback or any issues at:

Satoru Masubuchi